Righteous in Christ Jesus

Did you know that there are only two kinds of people in this world?

The righteous and the unrighteous.  That’s it.

We are all born unrighteous in Adam – sinners by nature.

Now, for the person who puts there faith in the shed blood of Jesus to pay the penalty for sin, there is a mighty transformation.

We become what Jesus called – born again.

By faith, we are identified with Jesus to the point that we share in His death, burial and resurrection.

Therefore, we are spiritually reborn into Jesus’ family.

Jesus took on our sin and in turn gave us His righteousness.  Wow!

But, how should this impact how we see ourselves and others?

Here’s truth: believers are already 100% righteous in our spirit because Jesus lives in us.

Our problem is that we focus on our failures and the failures of others and take offense.

Beloved, how many of our sins have been paid for on the cross?

All of them!  100% covered by the blood!

The reality is that we are in Christ, and He is in us, so we are immersed in His righteousness.

So are all believers!

Now, how does his factor into forgiving others?

Think on this: What would it be like to not take any offense at what is done to us?

We would never be upset, ever.

What kind of freedom would that give us?

We would never again be enslaved by hurt, anger, bitterness, shame, fear, anxiety, or rejection.

When we choose to abide in Christ and to see Jesus followers as righteous in Christ Jesus, we can more easily choose not to take offense when they react in their flesh.

Also, resting in faith in Jesus, gives us His eyes for the unrighteous and therefore, empowers us to not take offense at their actions against us just as Jesus did from the cross.

The first martyr, Stephen, understood this as he responded with forgiveness toward the unbelievers as they hurled lethal stones at his body.

He refused to take offense, because he could see His Savior ready to receive him into heaven.

Beloved, this takes faith in the finished work of the cross.

We have been redeemed.

We are clothed in His righteousness by His grace!

No one can truly harm us.

They may hurt our eathsuits, like they did Stephen’s, but they can’t really hurt us unless we choose to take offense.

Forgiveness brings freedom.

When we surrender and rest in the knowledge that nothing can harm the real us, we will be free to respond in all situations in the power of the Holy Spirit.

