Perfect Love

Do you struggle with fear?

It is a powerful emotion, and one that Satan utilizes in his efforts to paralyze us.

In contrast, when we are with someone that we know loves us, are we afraid of that person?  Of course not!

Why?  Because our confidence in their love for us leaves no room for fear.

You see, fear and love cannot coexist; they repel each other.

When the fruit of God’s love is fully grown in our hearts, fear is kicked out; there is no place for it in our hearts.

However, not every believer has learned to rest in God’s love and grace.

Instead, they are caught in the mode of trying to perform by keeping a list of dos and don’ts hoping to please God through their performance rather than resting in his love.

Satan seizes the opportunity to tempt, accuse and deceive them into believing that God is so very disappointed with them because of their mistakes.

On top of that, Satan convinces them that they are one sin away from a lightning bolt.

I used to live there when I was a teenager because I didn’t understand God’s love and grace.

The truth is that the moment a person accepts Jesus as their Savior is the same moment that His blood purifies them from ALL of their sins and transgressions: past, present and future.

Now, that is not permission to continue to live in sin.

No, it’s permission to live in His love and grace.

We are no longer under the Law; so, punishment is not awaiting us.

Remember that punishment is the result of breaking a law; discipline is God’s way of teaching us to choose to walk in step with Him and is always motivated by His love for us.

If you are afraid God is going to zap you, the reality is that you have not fully understood His great love for you.

Remember living under the Law empowers sin to tempt you; living in His grace teaches you to say “NO” to ungodliness.

Beloved, choose each day to thank God for His great love for you; receive His love by faith, and you will see fear lose its place in your life.




Under Grace

Which do you prefer: Law or Grace?

I read through the Bible every year, and I recently read the account of the Exodus and God’s institution of the Mosaic Law.

I don’t know how the priests did it.  Precision and obedience was a life and death matter for them.

Aaron was leading an amazing time of worship as the ordained sacrifices were made.

God honored their worship by showing the people His glory by sending fire to consume the offerings.

Perhaps, they were caught up in the moment, but Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu,  made a fatal mistake.

They didn’t follow God’s protocols.

Instead, they offered incense in a manner that God did not prescribe.

They disobeyed by seeking to enter His Presence on their own terms.

The same fire that consumed the offerings, consumed them in an instant.

God’s explanation was simple, “Among those who approach Me, I will show Myself holy; in the sight of all the people, I will be honored.”

These men had gone through ritual cleansing and anointing that set them apart from the common Jews.

They were designated as holy or set apart unto God.

God is HOLY!

He is set apart from sin.

Sin is rooted in pride, or “I want to do things my way.”  I WILL BE GOD!

Their act of offering unauthorized fire before the LORD was an act of pride.

God had to judge it and consume them.

Under the Law, there was no leeway for sin.

In another account, Uzziah, the priest, was struck dead instantly for touching the ark as he steadied it.

What was the real problem?

The ark was supposed to be carried on the shoulders of the  priests.

Someone had decided to do it a ‘better’ way and have it carried on a cart.

The cart hit a bump, and Uzziah instinctively reached out to steady it, and boom, he died.

Now, let’s look at grace.

Grace is not license: “Hey, do whatever you want. It’s all paid for!”

No, in fact, it’s grace that teaches us to say ‘no’ to ungodliness and ‘yes’ to righteousness.

It’s God’s grace that has reconnected us to God and made us members of His family.

Grace has given us our new identities in Christ.

It teaches us to live out of His life in us.

The Law gives sin is power, while grace empowers us to obey.

Jesus satisfied our sin debt and made us holy in Him.

He brings His Holiness into our lives.

We don’t have to perform any ritual perfectly, because Jesus fulfilled the Law for us.

Beloved, aren’t you glad you don’t have to follow the Law?

We get to live in His love and grace, humbly depending on Jesus to walk in obedience to our Father’s will.




Law vs. Grace

What does the word grace mean?

I’ve heard it defined as,”unmerited favor,” or “When you get what you don’t deserve.”

The problem is that many Christians think that grace is a free pass to indulge fleshly lusts.

I agree with Paul: “May it never be!”

Paul tells us that sin takes advantage of the Law to deceive us.

Here’s how sin takes advantage of the Law:

What happens if you put a plate of green beans in front of a kid and say, “Don’t stick those up your nose.” Right, as soon as you aren’t looking, they stick the bean up their nose. Why? Because the flesh wants to do its own thing, and sin is right there to help by saying, “do it!”

The problem isn’t found in the Law; the problem is found in sin and our flesh.

So, what happens when we choose to live in God’s grace instead of the Law?

Sin loses its opportunity to use the Law against our flesh. How?

When I live by grace, I am choosing to let the Holy Spirit lead me into what is good for me.

Titus tells us that it is “grace that teaches me to say “no’ to ungodliness and ‘yes’ to righteousness.

It is God’s grace that has transformed us from children of wrath to children of God.

And, it is His grace that will teach us to make choices that line up with our new identity as His children.

The Law says, “I HAVE TO” live like this.

Grace says, “I GET TO” live like Jesus, as I allow Him to express Himself through me.

Grace does not let me sin all the more; grace lets me live out of the righteousness of Christ in me.

The Law compels me to perform; grace gently leads me to rest in my new identity in Christ.

Beloved, choose to live in God’s grace and love for you, and you will experience the victory He has accomplished for you over sin!

