Back from the Dead

Have you ever met someone who died but was brought back to life?

I would have loved to sit down with Lazarus to hear about all that he experienced over the few days he was in heaven!

I wonder how he felt about being sent back to earth.

I bet he had mixed emotions about the whole mission.

The reality is that every time we meet up with another brother or sister in Christ, we are meeting someone who died and was miraculously brought back to life!

You see, when we placed our faith in Jesus to pay the penalty for sin, we became one with Him.

So, when Jesus died on the cross to sin, so did we.

And, when He rose from the grave, so did we.

This is why Paul wrote in Romans 6, that we died to sin and now are alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Out relationship with sin is severed once and for all.

Because we are in Christ, His resurrection life now permeates our essence and reconnects us with the only Source of Life, Jehovah.

Each one of us is a walking, talking miracle of God’s grace.

Close your eyes and imagine hearing the Lord Jesus say your name and the words, “Come forth.”

The moment you received Jesus as your Savior the true you arose from  the dead, and sin’s grip on you was shattered.

That which is truly you came alive by being reconnected to the Source of Life.

This happened to me when I was seven, and I remember the experience of breathing in His Life as I expressed my faith in Jesus’ blood to pay for sin and received Him as my Savior.

I don’t remember anything else from age 7!

A miracle happened for me that day.

I was dead; by faith, Jesus made me come alive again.

He transformed me from a dead sinner to a living saint!  Hallelujah!

If you’ve never experienced this miracle, won’t you consider putting an end to your own pathetic efforts to be ‘good enough,’ because no one can be 100% perfect, which is God’s standard.

But, Jesus was good enough, and so He was the perfect sacrifice who died for sin on our behalf, so that by faith in Him, we could receive His resurrection life in us.

In your own words, admit to God that you’re a sinner and that you believe that Jesus’ blood paid for sin once for all.

Then, make the choice to turn from sin and tell God that you receive Jesus as your Savior and His gift of eternal life.

Thank Him for bringing you back to Life, and ask Him to teach you to follow Jesus as both Savior and Lord.

